Fellowship Hall
Treatment center for alcoholism and drug addiction, Greensboro North Carolina

There's a place in the gently rolling countryside of North Carolina where what
some call a miracle is taking place everyday in the lives of alcohol and drug
addicted individuals and their families seeking recovery from this disease.

FELLOWSHIP HALL is that place.

A private, non-profit specialty hospital committed to helping people who suffer
from alcoholism and drug addiction.

A Premier Provider of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment

Greensboro, North Carolina

Fellowship Hall
5140 Dunstan Rd
Greensboro NC 27405
Tel: 336 621-3381; 800 659-3381


It is our vision that Fellowship Hall be the provider of choice for alcoholism and drug addiction treatment in the Southeastern region of our country by ensuring that every individual we serve receives exceptional, cost-effective care.


It is the mission of Fellowship Hall to help people who suffer from alcoholism and drug addiction, and to provide compassionate, cost-effective care while maintaining our commitment to a Twelve-Step philosophy.


The Board of Directors of Fellowship Hall believes the success of the Hall is directly related to a set of collective values we hold, share and practice.These values form a basis for every action we take toward guests, family members, volunteers and each other.They are: integrity, honesty, dependability, quality, responsibility, attitude, and service.
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